Digital Technologies

There are many ways that digital technologies open the world for nurses and academics. I’ve used digital technologies for teaching, engagement, and research. Some examples are:

And learn more about professional social media use from my latest publications:

Jackson, J., Gettings, S., & Metcalfe, A. (2018). “The power of Twitter”: Using social media at a conference with nursing students. Nurse Education Today, 68, 188-191. doi:

De Sousa, F., Jackson, J., Young, R., Basa, R., Cloutier, E., Fourney, A., & Devecseri, K. (2018). A social media intervention to improve hypoglycaemia management at a multi-centre hospital: A quality improvement pilot for clinical nurses. Contemporary Nurse, 10, 1-17.

Jackson, J. (2018). Teaching tips: Using social media to support clinical education. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 48, 12, 541-524.

Jackson, J., & Kennedy, M. (2015). Developing a social media platform for nurses. Nursing Standard, 30, 46-52.

Jackson, J., & Mitchell, R. (2015). Day in the life: Livetweets as a professional tool. American Nurse Today, 10.

Jackson, J., Fraser, R., & Ash, P. (2014). Connecting social media and nursing: Insights for promoting health for individuals and professional use. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Vol. 19, DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol19No03Man02