
Nursing work is inherently political, and is directly influenced by how politicians fund and organize healthcare systems. I have written about why nurses need to be politically active, and encourage all nurses to think about how they can be an Everyday Political Citizen. Voting is essential, and there are also lots of ways nurses can influence policy outside of elections.

For the recent UK General Election, I was thrilled to partner with WeNurses and the Journal of Research in Nursing to host a tweetchat about political engagement in nursing. With over 3.2 million impressions, this chat raised the political consciousness of many nurses in the UK. I hope to see this political engagement continue, as outlined in this publication:

Morley, G. & Jackson, J. (2017). Is the art of nursing dying? A call for political action. Journal of Research in Nursing. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1177%2F1744987117713043